

Dr. Jean Devroye created the WAW FUE system by formulating his cutting-edge Hybrid Trumpet punch, consisting of a motorized pedal and punches to extract follicular grafts. Dr. Devroye created a unique shaped follicular extraction device that could cut the skin at low speeds yet dissect the graft. He revolutionized the WAW FUE system. read more

What tools and devices does WAW FUE System use to create better hair transplant?

The state-of-the-art Hybrid Tornado punch is designed for hair transplant surgeons who take pride in providing their patients with the highest quality results. A Third Hand, the WAW pedal enables the doctors to realize an FUE surgery with great precision, exactly like pure manual work. You can adjust the oscillation speed and angulation freely with the support of the motorized handpiece. A custom-made motor & handpiece simply allows the Hybrid Tornado punch to position itself on the skin accurately and allow the pedal to assist in managing the extraction. The Hybrid Tornado punch perfectly fits into the Nouvag autoclavable handpiece, which provides excellent support. When both are combined with a Nouvag motor, the FUE surgery proceeds with ease. The Hybrid Tornado punch shares the advantages of both sharp and blunt punches in one. You can work deeper and with less trauma to the surrounding areas. The Hybrid Tornado punch is tailored to doctors' needs and their procedure. The new version of the WAW System now offers its app with wireless control of the three main parameters to get optimal follicular unit extraction. Choose your acceleration speed, oscillation mode, and angulation. It also offers a beneficial scoring counting that you can reset anytime. read more

The ability to extract a large number of high-quality grafts without making large incisions.

An average of 4% transaction, cut or damaged follicle rate guarantees a much better outcome.

Incisions are 0.9 mm which makes the healing process much faster and eliminates visible scarring.

Moderate pressure and sucking effect of the inner edge significantly reduce the rate of missing grafts.

The grafts are elevated and hence can be gently extracted, without affecting the vitality of the graft.



Once informed consent is obtained, pre-operative prescribed medications are given and pictures are taken, we proceed to the procedure room. Your hair will be clipped unless you prefer a no shave technique.



Scalp area is prepped with Surgi-Heal antiseptic solution and draped. For the initial half of the procedure, you will be laying flat on your stomach, face down, similar to a massage chair.



The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. Local anesthetic is injected to numb up the donor area. You will feel pin pricks during the numbing process after which the procedure should be painless.


Donor area

Donor areas are harvested using wireless WAW FUE system. Hair follicles are harvested one by one with utmost precision while you are enjoying your show on Netflix or listening to your favorite music.


Recipient area

Surgical sites are made under local anesthesia to implant the harvested follicles. You are positioned sitting upright on a recliner for the second half of the procedure.


Post-operative care

Bacitracin is applied to the donor area and wrapped with gauze. The Recipient area is sprayed with Surgi-Heal solution and left open. You will be sent home with Surgi-Heal solution, dressing and post-operative care instructions.

What are the benefits of waw fue system?

The WAW follicular unit extraction (FUE) device offers many benefits, including the ability to extract a large number of high-quality grafts without making a big incision. It also reduces the risk of transection. WAW FUE incisions are 0.8 to 0.9 mm in diameter. This makes the healing process much faster, eliminates any visible scarring or bruising and significantly reduces post-operative pain. A much faster process thanks to numerous system features and upgrades. The low transaction rate helps promote thicker, more natural-looking hair growth and prevents infections and scarring. WAW FUE system produces grafts similar to FUT but without all its drawbacks. Overall, the WAW system significantly boosts the quality of the follicular unit extraction. read more

Boca Raton, FL

Hollywood, FL